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Kishan asked about Maruti Suzuki Wagon R 2013-2022
What is difference between 1.0 liter and 1.2 liter engine in new Wagon R
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Rajesh Rajesh
| 5 years ago
As the name suggests, 1.2 ltr means more power for quick acceleration. but it will also increase petrol bill.
Sagar Sagar
| 1 year ago
The actual difference between 1.2L and 1 L engine is the power that you require during overtaking, in the highways or during climbing in mountain terrain where sudden demand of increased power is required and it sometimes becomes a big factor between life and death. In 1.2L petrol engine these areas are taken care of......Read More
Peter Peter
| 1 year ago
@ Mohan | 1.0 engine is better in terms of moderate power and best mileage than 1.2. In 1.2 more acceleration means more fuel loss and there is no remarkable increase in power especially in hills n steep hairpins while compared to 1litre. The 1l has spontaneous power in highways when crossing 60km/hr. Cost wise also cheaper and economical and we get the same big sized car without a single difference!!!!...Read More
Utter bolx.
Rajesh Rajesh
| 2 years ago
@ Srinivasa | 1000cc and 1200cc engines.1000cc is 3cylinder k10 engine where as 1200cc is 4cylinder k12 engine .K12 is more refined and has good pick up.
Yes you are right Sir