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Vrushank asked about TVS iQube
Which scooter is better TVS iQube or Ola S1?
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Rajeshuk Rajeshuk
| 1 year ago
@ Dillip | The smooth, silent, and intuitive iQube quickly make regular scooters seem gruff and more cumbersome. The way TVS has calibrated the performance character in the modes, and low battery scenarios strengthen its case as an everyday scooter. Its slightly firm suspension is something you can get used to, and the more conservative slow-charging system won’t hamper its role as a family scooter. On the other hand, the Ola S1 Pro hasn’t turned out to be quite the impressive product that we had expected. The scooter surely has potential and it has a lot of good things going for it, like space and features, but Ola still has quite a lot of technical niggles and quality issues to iron out. Moreover, we would suggest you to take a test ride before making the final decision. Follow the link and select your desired city for details....Read More
Ola S1 pro