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Melvin asked about Jawa Motorcycles Forty Two
What is the ground clearance of Jawa Motorcycles 42, will it be a big problem - 42?
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Ashokkumarbali Ashokkumarbali
| 4 years ago
Is that really 165mm ?I am asking this because classic 350 ground clearance is 135mm and it's very comfortable than jawa 42 165 mm clearance?please provide correct information. I think on paper info is incorrect. ...Read More
Pradeep Pradeep
| 1 month ago
Rear Suspension is very hard
Avees Avees
| 1 year ago
Ground clearance of jawa is a joke. Even on corners it will scrape. And next comes the hard seat,hard suspension,hard clutch will ruin your satisfaction. It's not a VFM bike in any aspect compared with competition....Read More
Sourav Sourav
| 3 years ago
@ Suriya | The suspension system is so poor that when you sit on the bike you'll feel the travel of suspension. Thereby the ground clearance also reduces. The company information may be 165mm but while sitting on bike you feel it's much below than classic 350.( may be less than 135). ...Read More
That's a preload issue bro. You need to set the sag according to the weight you're carrying on the bike. Ideally the suspension should compress by 10% of the travel with the bike's weight and 30-35% when the bike is fully loaded with rider/rider+pillion or luggage....Read More