Gajendra Gajendra
| 2 years ago
I suggest to keep avenger 220 has 170mm ground clearance which scrapes some speed breakers in bengaluru, mysuru of karnataka with single rider, with a pillion it scrapes many speed breakers and potholes, even if you are on first gear. Now the all cruisers and street bikes of triumph have 130mm (3cm less than avenger), imagine the situation now. T bobber has 140mm and only adventure tourers have 200mm+ ground clearance but seat height is for guys who are 6ft or wear shoes with 5 inch heels. Bajaj Avenger is the only bike in india with no.1 ground clearance to seat height(737mm) ratio. So a 5.2 to 5.10ft guy can enjoy a bajaj avenger without hitting every speed breaker. same guy will scrape every speed breaker with any triumph except an adventure bike on which he will be too short to sit.Interestingly if they add 30mm more ground clearance to T bobber, it matches the exact seat height and ground clearance of bajaj avenger. I am waiting from 11 years to upgrade my bajaj avenger 220 bike, but I am too spoiled by that ground clearance to seat height ratio with that sofa like feeling which no bike of 10x the cost is offering. Kawasaki vulcan is a very close call but with 130mm ground clearance and a pillion rider, I had to stop the bike to cross a speed breakers.It seems no bike company designer or research team actually visits the place where they want to market the bike. They just sell the same stuff what they sell in other countries to india. morons.
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