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asked about Hero Moto Corp Xtreme 160R
In Xtreme 160R, how much fuel is there when last fuel indicator blinks?
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Parthasarathi Parthasarathi
| 1 year ago
I do have Hero Xtreme 160R stealth edition. Total we have 7 fuel indicator ,In which first 3 capacity - (2 Ltrs)Last 4 capacity -(1.5 Ltrs)Totally - 12 Litre capacity.Fuel will indicate at (1.9 Ltrs)
Arindam Arindam
| 1 year ago
@ Parthasarathi | I do have Hero Xtreme 160R stealth edition. Total we have 7 fuel indicator ,In which first 3 capacity - (2 Ltrs)Last 4 capacity -(1.5 Ltrs)Totally - 12 Litre capacity.Fuel will indicate at (1.9 Ltrs)
No bro you are wrong. The fuel indicator starts blink with 3liters of fuel remains in the petrol tank. Upto 3 liters of fuel it doesn't blink after that it start. 2-7 guage 1.5 liters each and first one is 3 liters. 1.5*6=9 liters and first one is 3 so 9+3= 12 liters. I have tested by filling fuel with 1liter of bottle even I marked inside the tank🙂 so that I can assume how much fuel is remaining....Read More