Must Read Questions & Answers Before Buying XGT KM
Most Relevant
Q. Is Komaki XGT KM available in Jaipur?
For the availability, we would suggest you to please connect with the nearest authorized dealer in Jaipur as it depends on their stock book. Follow the link for dealership details.
Q. Can I exchange my vehicle?
The exchange of a vehicle would depend on certain factors such as kilometers driven, physical condition, number of owners, etc. For detailed information and availability of the exchange offers, we would request you to please connect with the nearest authorized dealership as the offers may vary. You may click on the given link and select your desired city for the dealership details.
Q. I want Komaki XGT KM in Mumbai will it be available?
Q. I am from gaya. I want to purchase Komaki XGT KM.
For the availability and purchase, we would suggest you please connect with the nearest authorized dealership in your city as it depends on their stock book. Follow the link and select your desired city for dealership details.
Yes ,if you need
Battery life 3year
Q. What is the battery type and how many batteries does it get - XGT KM?
Q. How much units of electricity consumed for full charge?
The units of electricity required will depend on source
current/voltage, charging time, and specifications of the charger. Moreover, we would suggest you get in touch
with the authorized dealership as they
will be better persons to assist you in this concern.
1-2 unit
Q. How is the pickup speed?
Komaki XGT KM is a low-speed electric scooter that offers decent performance for your daily city commutes. Moreover, we would suggest you to take a test ride for a better understanding of performance and comfort. Click on the link and select your desired city for dealership details.
I own a kwid non stop 1000kms
Q. Is battery detachable?
Komaki XGT KM doesn't feature a removable battery.
Q. How to know when to charge my komaki xgt
Komaki XGT KM is available with a Low Battery Indicator.
Indicator show
Q. What is the Charging time of komaki XGT?
The Komaki XGT KM takes 6-8 hours to get fully charged its 60V/20-30Ah battery and has a claimed range of 85 km/charge.
Q. How much horse power engine?
Komaki XGT KM is an electric scooter powered by a 60V motor that takes its juice from a lithium-ion battery. The scooter offers a claimed range of 80km in a single charge.