Is this the world's fastest toilet?

  • Published July 8, 2013
  • Views : 8538
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Colin Furze, a plumber by profession has set the record for the world's fastest toilet with his 140cc contraption which clocked a top speed of nearly 100kmph
Colin Furze in action on his contraption

If you thought setting a new Guinness World Record was getting tougher by the day, ask Colin Furze. According to sources on the internet he holds the World Record for the largest bonfire, longest motorcycle (all of 25 seats) and the fastest mobility scooter. The madcap plumber from Stamford, England is at it again now, and is looking to claim the Guinness World Record for the World’s fastest toilet.

The 140cc machine which can reach speeds of just under 100km/h isn’t just all show though – the WC Furze is seen sitting on here is actually fully functional! The contraption has a working toilet and has an efficiency figure of 4.23kmpl. So the next time Nature’s calling you really urgent, and you don’t really have the time to spare at a restroom, you know what to travel on! The contraption has a working toilet and has an efficiency figure of 4.23kmpl.

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