Learn how to perform some real bike stunts

  • Published August 17, 2010
  • Views : 87586
  • 4 min read

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Bike Stunts are often performed by professionals, who have a deep understanding of their machines physical and technological capabilities. While mastering them at an advanced level requires years of practice, some basic bike maneuvers like the towering Wheelie, a well-grounded Donut and the slinky Stoppie are not too hard to learn. Here are some simple instructions to get your bike moving like a true acrobat

Donuts: This is a good basic stunt to start off on since it is delivered at low speeds and leaves you with both wheels on the ground. It looks ultra-cool though! Start at a speed not more than 10 km/h, stand up on the pegs off the seat and pull in the clutch, rolling free. Shift your body weight to the front with a light grip on the front brakes and build the revs up. With a light pressure on the front brakes, slowly release the clutch to get the rear wheel spinning and smoking. Lean the bike in slightly to the inside to start the circle. As long as you keep the right balance between the front brake and the clutch, you'll keep moving forward with the rear wheel spinning, keep you balance right and before you know it, you should have a perfect circle, lots of smoke and massive applause!

Wheelies: The bread and butter stunt for any real stunter is actually not as hard as it looks, especially if you take it easy. Most Indian bikes don't have enough power to get the front up on throttle alone, so you'll have to use the clutch. Start with being comfy on the bike, build up a rolling speed of about 5 km/h, dab the front brake and push down on the handlebar to get the forks compressed. Keep your right foot poised on the rear brake. Once you're off the front brake, the forks will start rebounding. Move your body weight back to carry on the momentum, and at the same time build up the revs and let go of the clutch quickly. Keep just one finger on the clutch because you'll need the rest to hold on the handlebars once your front wheel is in the air. Don't forget the rear brake though - that's your insurance for the wheelie - the moment things start getting too hairy, get on the rear brake gently to bring the bike back down. After a little practice, you'll understand the right balance between the throttle and the rear brake to find the tipping point of the bike, and keep it there so you can travel a longer distance on one wheel. Avoid going sideways by balancing your upper body, and bring the front down if the bike starts going in an unexpected direction. Using a little bit of throttle as you’re landing will make sure your forks stay intact!


Stoppies: These look simple, but are quite dangerous since unlike wheelies, there is no point of return if you overdo it. Start in first gear, pull in the clutch and get our butt off the seat. Now hit the front brake with force and sensitivity - don't lose feel for grip since the front can wash out! Your rear wheel should now be off the ground, but make sure you're going in a straight line by modulating your upper body weight. The quicker you are moving and the harder you hit the brake, the higher your stoppie will be - but explore this point with a lot of caution. Get off the front brake as soon as you feel like you're close to the tipping point - remember, there is no point of return! 

Apart from the basic bike gimmicks explained above, there are a lot of complex stunt combinations largely built around basic maneuvers like the Wheelie and the Donut.   Cliff Hanger, No Handed Wheelie, High Chair Stoppie, Watch Tower, Stoppie 1 Hand, Combo Wheelies, High Chair Circle Burnouts, Tank Wheelie Park, Slow Wheelies, Fast Wheelies, Rolling Stoppie are some of them. 

So, the next time you decide to jump on your bike and head out for a one wheeled joy ride, be sure to pad up in the right kind of safety gear, to avoid any serious injury. It would also, be advisable to seek some professional guidance before starting off with any such risk-laden endeavour. Also, look out for bike stunt clubs, which can often be a great place to meet enthusiasts like yourself. Finally, 'Ride hard, but also ride safe'.

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