Is Maruti FRONX available in automatic transmission
Yes. Maruti FRONX available in automatic variants
Is Maruti FRONX available in petrol version
Yes. Maruti FRONX available in petrol engine option.
Is Maruti FRONX available in diesel version
No. Currently there is no diesel engine option available on Maruti FRONX.
What is the engine power of Maruti FRONX petrol version
The engine power of Maruti FRONX petrol version is 88.50bhp@6000rpm.
What is torque of Maruti FRONX
The torque of Maruti FRONX is 113Nm@4400rpm.
How many cylinders does Maruti FRONX has
Maruti FRONX comes with 4 cylinders.
How many gears available in Maruti FRONX
There are 5-Speed gears available in Maruti FRONX.
What is the kerb weight of Maruti FRONX
The kerb weight of Maruti FRONX is 960-970 Kg.
What is the seating capacity of Maruti FRONX
The seating capacity of Maruti FRONX is 5.
What is the boot space of Maruti FRONX
The boot space of Maruti FRONX is 308 Liters.
What is the fuel tank capacity of Maruti FRONX
The fuel tank capacity of Maruti FRONX is 37 Liters.
Is Maruti FRONX a 5 seater or 7 seater
Maruti FRONX is a 5 seater Car.
What is the dimensions of Maruti FRONX
The exterior dimension of Maruti FRONX is 3995 mm in length, 1765 mm in width, 1550 mm in height.
What is the length of Maruti FRONX
The length of Maruti FRONX is 3995 mm.
What is the width of Maruti FRONX
The width of Maruti FRONX is 1765 mm.
What is the wheel size of Maruti FRONX
The wheels size of Maruti FRONX is 16.
What is the tyre size of Maruti FRONX
The tyre size of Maruti FRONX is 195/60 R16.
What is the mileage of Maruti FRONX
The mileage of
Maruti FRONX ranges from 21.79 Kmpl to 28.51 Km/Kg. The claimed ARAI mileage of FRONX Petrol Manual is 21.79 Kmpl. In Automatic the claimed ARAI mileage of FRONX Petrol is 22.89 Kmpl. In CNG the claimed ARAI mileage of FRONX Manual is 28.51 Km/Kg.
What is the mileage of Maruti FRONX Petrol Version
The mileage of Maruti FRONX Petrol is 21.79 Kmpl.
What type of airbags available in Maruti FRONX
There are Driver and Passenger airbags available in the top model of Maruti FRONX.
What are the colours available in Maruti FRONX
Maruti FRONX is available in 10 colours:
Is Maruti FRONX available through CSD canteen
Yes, Maruti FRONX is available through CSD canteen.
What are the petrol variants of Maruti FRONX
Maruti FRONX is available in 1 Petrol variant with the price of Rs. 8.93 Lakh.
Maruti FRONX Petrol Models
What are the automatic variants of Maruti FRONX
Maruti FRONX is available in 0 Automatic variants, out of which all are . The base Automatic variant FRONX starts at Rs. To Be Announced and the top-end Automatic variant FRONX is priced at Rs. To Be Announced.
Maruti FRONX Automatic Models
What are the manual variants of Maruti FRONX
Maruti FRONX is available in 1 Manual variant with the price of Rs. 8.93 Lakh.
Maruti FRONX Manual Models
What are the top variants of Maruti FRONX
Maruti FRONX is available in 16 variants: