Ola Offers Free Optional Fork Replacement For S1 Range Of E-scooters

  • Published March 15, 2023
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Ola’s unapologetic apology seems un(re)called for

They say it’s hard to disagree with your wife. Even if you’re right, you can’t just win without her having the last word. Ola’s statement addressing its customers’ concerns regarding the S1 EV’s front fork arm fracturing under load seems just as sassy.

The marque begins by thanking the two-lakh-strong S1 community, stating, “Thank you for being a part of Mission Electric….” but later assures them that their concerns over the safety of the front fork arm are “unfounded.” However, Ola closes the letter with a solution for the problem nonetheless.

The crux of the matter is this: Since launch, many units of Ola S1 e-scooters have encountered several problems including the alleged failure of the front fork arm which snaped under load.

Photos of S1 e-scooters with their broken front suspension made rounds on the Internet, resulting in quite a few raised  eyebrows. Ola has now reworked the front fork arm to “enhance the durability and strength even further” invariably addressing the matter at hand.

Existing customers can get the new fork free of cost. Ola is calling it an optional upgrade for which S1 owners will need to book an appointment with their local Ola Experience Centre from March 22 onwards to get the front suspension of their EV changed.   


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