Bajaj Auto has been on an onslaught by launching as it has launched a slew of new offerings in the recent past, the latest being the Baja Pulsar AS150 and AS200. Bajaj officials have confirmed to ZigWheels that the next launch on cards is the updated Bajaj Avenger. The cruiser bike is among the longest running products for the Chakan based two-wheeler giant and now they plan to give it an engine overhaul. In its current disguise, the Bajaj Avenger is powered by the 220cc motor sourced from the Bajaj Pulsar 220. Bajaj plans to overhaul the cruiser bike with a new heart and it will be equipped with the 200cc engine as found on the Pulsar AS200 and the Pulsar 200NS. The updated Bajaj Avenger 200 is expected to be launched during the festive season in late 2015.
While the new Bajaj Avenger 200 will not be drastically different from the model it replaces on the cosmetic front but it will witness significant mechanical update. Although the 200cc motor is down on displacement, it churns out 23.5PS which is almost a 5PS gain over the 220cc mill. The new Bajaj Avenger might also feature the six-speed gearbox as seen on the Pulsar 200NS and AS200 making it the first Bajaj Avenger offering to feature a six-speed transmission.
Other additions on the new Bajaj Avenger might be the addition of rear disc brakes given the jump in performance the cruiser would achieve owing to the powerful motor. The Bajaj Avenger has been a great option for buyers who don’t want to buy the conventional cruiser motorcycle in the form of the Royal Enfield motorcycles. But the bike has started to show its age and sales for the bike hasn’t been that great in the recent past and with this update Bajaj hopes to change its fortunes. It will also launch the Bajaj CS400 at the 2016 Auto Expo with which it plans to kick-start a new power cruiser segment. The new Bajaj Avenger 200 will carry a sticker price of around Rs 95,000.