The upcoming Bajaj Avenger Street has been spotted in dealership prior to its official launch. Recently it was unveiled by Rajiv Bajaj, MD Bajaj Auto that they will be riding in three new variants of the Bajaj Avenger cruiser. The bike pictured is the new Bajaj Avenger Street variant and gets a matte black body colour and chrome panels have been given a miss. Other visual changes includes, alloy wheels which means it would now get tubeless tyres, fork gaiters, restyled exhaust muffler, larger seat and the omission of backrest.
There is no confirmation on the displacement and details of the powerplant. It is expected that the new Bajaj Avenger will be powered by the 200cc motor as seen on the Pulsar 200NS. The motor will be tuned to better suit the touring dynamics of the Avenger and will be mated to a 6-speed gearbox. It was expected that the new Bajaj Avenger will get rear disc brake but the Avenger Street was equipped with a drum unit. The instrument console gets a digital trip meter as opposed to the analogue one as found on the older model. Bajaj is banking heavily on the new Avenger to enhance its sales figure and expect the updated cruiser to garner sales of close to 20,000 units per month. The new Bajaj Avenger is expected to be priced around Rs 90,000 (ex-showroom) and is likely to be launched in this week itself.