Terrafugia Transition - the world's first practical

  • Published April 26, 2009
  • Views : 1018
  • 1 min read

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2009 has just proven to be revolutionary year for automobiles and personal aircraft alike, as the first working prototype of the Terrafugia Transition, an airplane that can double as a road car, successfully completed its maiden flight.

"Honey, I'm home!" exclaims George Jetson as he pulls in to his driveway in his flying car. Those of us who have grown up watching The Jetsons cartoons or other science fiction television serials were probably expecting, at least on some level, a similar future for ourselves at the turn of the millennium - personal robots, space travel and most importantly, flying cars. While scientific progress up to the year 2009 may have enriched our lives in many aspects, sadly cars have remained fairly unchanged ever since their inception over a hundred years ago.

While big car companies may be happy turning profits making conventional cars and would like to convince us that flying cars will pretty much exist only in the realm of fantasy for decades to come, there are a few individuals who dare to challenge this incumbent attitude. Terrafugia, a small company founded by five pilots, who also happen to be MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) graduates, is on the verge of making this fantasy come true. This year, in an event as epic as the Wright Brothers' first flight at Kitty Hawk, the Transition, a 'roadable aircraft' as creators Terrafugia call it, lifted off the runway (and landed back) for the first time since the company had originally unveiled its prototype back in 2006.

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