The on-road price of the TVS iQube in Gossaigaon starts at Rs. 1.23 lakh (ex-showroom: 1,07,299 + RTO: 10,384 + Insurance: 5,626), and the EMI starts at Rs. 3,091 while the iQube top model on-road price goes up to Rs. 1.55 lakh.
On Road Price
iQube 2.2 kWh
Rs. 1.23 Lakh
iQube Celebration Edition
Rs. 1.25 Lakh
iQube 3.4 kWh
Rs. 1.55 Lakh
TVS iQube
Rs. 1.23 - 1.55 Lakh
(On Road Price in Gossaigaon)
The iQube has a running cost of Rs. 0.22 per kilometer. Additionally, the monthly charging cost for the iQube is Rs. 330. This cost is calculated based on charging the vehicle at a rate of 6.5/ units of electricity and assuming a daily run of 50 kilometers.
The best ev bike I driven it\'s pickup is very high best ev bike best range and fast charging
Anonymous1 month ago
Stylish like as petrol scooter....Affordable
Stylish like as petrol scooter....Affordable price....Make in India...Fast charging.....Huge number of service centers.....Low electricity consumption.....Really Love it.....
Dillip | 1 year ago
If you are planning to buy a new scooter on finance, then generally, 10 to 30 percent down payment is required on the more-road price of a scooter. However, exact confirmation regarding EMI, down payment, interest, loan period and its procedure will be discussed by the bank only, as it depends upon individual eligibility. We would suggest you to get in touch with the nearest dealership to get exact information. Click on the below-given link and select your desired city to get your nearest dealership.
Dillip | 1 year ago
If you are planning to buy a new scooter on finance, then generally, 10 to 30 percent down payment is required on the more-road price of a scooter. However, exact confirmation regarding EMI, down payment, interest, loan period, and its procedure will be discussed by the bank only, as it depends upon individual eligibility.We would suggest you get in touch with the nearest dealership to get the exact information.Click on the below-given link and select your desired city to get your nearest dealership details.
Dillip | 1 year ago
If you are planning to buy a new scooter on finance, then generally, 10 to 30 percent down payment is required on the more-road price of a scooter. However, exact confirmation regarding EMI, down payment, interest, loan period and its procedure will be discussed by the bank only, as it depends upon individual eligibility. We would suggest you to get in touch with the nearest dealership to get exact information. Click on the below-given link and select your desired city to get your nearest dealership details.
Dillip | 2 years ago
For this, we'd suggest you please visit the nearest authorized dealership of TVS as they would be able to assist you. morellow the link and select your city accordingly for dealership.
Dillip | 3 years ago
For now, the TVS iQube Electric is not available for sale in Una. The iQube Electric is available in Delhi, Bengaluru mored Pune.
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