Frequently Asked Questions about Maserati Quattroporte
Is Maserati Quattroporte available in automatic transmission
Yes. Maserati Quattroporte available in automatic variants
Is Maserati Quattroporte available in petrol version
Yes. Maserati Quattroporte available in petrol engine option.
Is Maserati Quattroporte available in diesel version
Yes. Maserati Quattroporte available in diesel engine option.
What is the engine power of Maserati Quattroporte petrol version
The engine power of Maserati Quattroporte petrol version is 350bhp@5750rpm.
What is the engine power of Maserati Quattroporte diesel version
The engine power of Maserati Quattroporte diesel version is 275bhp.
What is torque of Maserati Quattroporte
The torque of Maserati Quattroporte is 580Nm@1750-4500rpm.
How many cylinders does Maserati Quattroporte has
Maserati Quattroporte comes with 8 cylinders.
How many gears available in Maserati Quattroporte
There are 8-Speed gears available in Maserati Quattroporte.
What is the kerb weight of Maserati Quattroporte
The kerb weight of Maserati Quattroporte is 1990 Kg.
Dimension & Space
What is the ground clearance of Maserati Quattroporte
The ground clearance (Unladen) of Maserati Quattroporte is 100 in mm, 10 in cm, 3.94 in inches and 0.33 in feet.
What is the seating capacity of Maserati Quattroporte
The seating capacity of Maserati Quattroporte is 5.
What is the boot space of Maserati Quattroporte
The boot space of Maserati Quattroporte is 530 Liters.
What is the fuel tank capacity of Maserati Quattroporte
The fuel tank capacity of Maserati Quattroporte is 80 Liters.
What is the dimensions of Maserati Quattroporte
The exterior dimension of Maserati Quattroporte is 5262 mm in length, 2128 mm in width, 1481 mm in height.
What is the length of Maserati Quattroporte
The length of Maserati Quattroporte is 5262 mm.
What is the width of Maserati Quattroporte
The width of Maserati Quattroporte is 2128 mm.
Mileage & Performance
What is the mileage of Maserati Quattroporte
The mileage of Maserati Quattroporte is 11.76 Kmpl. This is the claimed ARAI mileage for all the variants of Quattroporte. In Automatic the claimed ARAI mileage of Quattroporte Petrol is 11.76 Kmpl and for the Quattroporte Diesel Automatic is 11.76 Kmpl.
What is the mileage of Maserati Quattroporte Petrol Version
The mileage of Maserati Quattroporte Petrol is 11.76 Kmpl.
What is the mileage of Maserati Quattroporte Diesel Version
The mileage of Maserati Quattroporte Diesel is 11.76 Kmpl.
What type of airbags available in Maserati Quattroporte
There are Driver, Passenger and Side Front airbags available in the top model of Maserati Quattroporte.
What are the colours available in Maserati Quattroporte
Is Maserati Quattroporte available through CSD canteen
Yes, Maserati Quattroporte is available through CSD canteen.
What are the diesel variants of Maserati Quattroporte
Maserati Quattroporte is available in 0 Diesel variants, out of which all are . The base Diesel variant Quattroporte starts at Rs. To Be Announced and the top-end Diesel variant Quattroporte is priced at Rs. To Be Announced.
Maserati Quattroporte Diesel Models
Quattroporte Variants
What are the petrol variants of Maserati Quattroporte
Maserati Quattroporte is available in 1 Petrol variant with the price of Rs. 1.77 Crore.
Must Read Questions & Answers Before Buying Quattroporte
Q. What is the ground clearance (Unladen) of Maserati Quattroporte back & front?
Q. What is your opinion for this car - Quattroporte?
The Maserati Quattroporte is an exceptional luxury sedan that blends Italian craftsmanship, performance, and exclusivity. It stands out in the luxury segment for its unique combination of style, sportiness, and prestige. Here’s my detailed opinion:
Comparably pricier than BMW M sedan but technologically inferior. M series is a much better choice IMHO.